Sentinus offers a number of programmes which aim to help young people take the first steps towards developing their own digital products and skills.  These programmes introduce students to app development, creative design, creation of music using computer coding, robotics, cybersecurity and more.   See for yourself how quickly they get to grips with the process of controlling a range of devices and writing code.

Computer programming is becoming an increasingly important skill as Northern Ireland’s reputation as a centre of excellence for cyber security, financial technology and the creative and digital media sector.  There will be lots of very rewarding career opportunities in future for young people who have a good range of digital skills.

The Sentinus programmes listed below will help your pupils develop important skills for the future and show that everyone can be part of the digital revolution.  Sentinus supplies all the necessary equipment and does not need access to your school’s internet or the C2K system.

Multiple classes can get involved across a half day or a full day of activity.

Machine Learning with Codey Rocky

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.   Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence that makes predictions from data.

This workshop enables pupils to design a waste sorting device so we will teach our machine to identify a soft drinks can, plastic bottle and a newspaper.  Once each item is identified we can program Codey Rocky to simulate moving the waste to the relevant bin.

The workshop will also enable pupils to design their own facial recognition system using Makeblock software.

Programme Duration: Approx. 2 – 2.5 hours


App Development

Calling all budding entrepreneurs!  This programme will take Key Stage 3 & 4 students through the process of designing and building an app.  Using Google App, they will gain an understanding of the process and develop the skills to allow them to create and build an app of their own which they can download to their own mobile device.

Programme Duration: Approx. 1.5 – 2 hours


JAVA Processing

Our JAVA processing workshop joins the world of art and coding, allowing Key Stage 3 students to learn programming fundamentals within a visual context.  Pupils’ creativity will be put to the test as they are tasked to create onscreen graphics.  They will be taken through the process of building an image on screen and introducing a range of features, colours and effects.  Ultimately students can be brought to the point where they create a simple on screen game.

Programme Duration: Approx. 1.5 – 2 hours




Sonic Pi

Sonic Pi encourages students at Key Stage 3 & 4 to learn about both computing and music through play and experimentation. The most important thing is that you’re having fun, and before you know it, you’ll have accidentally learned how to code, compose and perform.  The workshop requires no prior knowledge of music or coding and is great fun for participants.  Why not create your own ring tone for your phone?

Programme Duration: Approx. 2 hours


A Bit of Fun with the Micro:bit

Our Key Stage 3 workshop introduces students to coding with the BBC Micro:bit with practical exercises using MakeCode (Block Editor) and Mu (Micropython Editor) to programme the Micro:bit.  By the end of the workshop students will be able to programme the Micro:bit to function as an air guitar and convert text to speech!

Programme Duration: Approx. 2 hours

Our Key Stage 4 workshop takes students’ coding skills to the next level, using Micropython to programme the Micro:bit to display images and communicate with other Microbits.

Programme Duration: Approx. 2 hours



We offer a range of workshops which give Key Stage 3 & 4 pupils the opportunity to develop programming skills within the contect of robotics.  Using BoeBots, MBots or Macqueen Bots, they will be asked to programme their robots to complete some challenges.

Programme Duration: Approx. 2-3 hours



Cybersecurity is increasingly important for both companies and the public with regular reports of security breaches and fraud in the media.  Using MicroPython with the BBC Micro:bit and Maqueen Robot, this course will introduce students at Key Stage 4 to the area of cybersecurity.   Over the course of four workshops they learn about sniffing attacks and defences, brute forces attacks and defences, creating and strengthening cyphers and other important aspects of security in the cyber world.

This is a programme for those who are genuinely interested in computer coding.

Programme Duration: 2 Half Day workshops


C# Workshop

This programme is designed to give Key Stage 4 and AS level students an introduction to Visual Studio, classes, objects and methods.  Students learn to create games, manipulate a wide range of variables and control features of the game using input devices.

The course aims to help students understand key concepts and areas of coding in C# language in preparation for moving on to A level in Software Systems Development and other computer science qualifications.

Programme Duration: 1 or 2 Half Day workshops


Arduino Workshop

Arduino UNO is a flexible, easy-to-use programmable microcontroller board that can be integrated into a variety of electronic projects.  It can be interfaced with other Arduinos or Raspberry Pi and can control relays, LEDs, servos, and motors as an output.
We will teach Key Stage 4 & 5 students to programme the Arduino UNO board to control a range of outputs and sense different inputs from switches and sensors.



Programme Duration: 1 or 2 Half Day workshops


Digital Futures

Sentinus is delighted to be working in partnership with Socialogica and Belfast Tech Week to deliver an exciting Digital Futures programme to schools in Northern Ireland, with an opportunity for the winning team and their teacher to spend a week in New York City, visiting some of the world’s biggest tech companies.

Digital Futures will engage young people in hands on activities to help them understand how digital media and, in particular, computer programming now underpins business development and success both in Northern Ireland and internationally.

Digital Futures workshops, delivered by Sentinus, provide a platform for young people at Key Stage 3 to generate innovative business ideas and introduce them to the concept of using digital products to support the growth and development of their business. Over a period of 6 – 12 weeks, working in teams of up to four and with support from an industry advisor, students will develop their business concept and present their ideas to panels of experts at a regional semi final with the top six teams progressing to compete in the Northern Ireland Final each year.

The winning team will travel to New York City, where they will visit internationally recognised technology companies, such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Twitter.

Programme Duration: 1 Half Day workshop followed by in school project work


Raspberry Pi Lending Library

Sentinus now operates a Raspberry Pi lending scheme for schools wishing to provide opportunities for students to further develop their coding skills.

When schools apply to the Raspberry Pi Lending Library they will receive 15 Raspberry Pi’s plus keyboards, small monitors and mouse devices.  In use, each Raspberry Pi will need to be connected to a power outlet during operation.  The lending period will normally be two weeks, but an extension may be possible if demand is low.

Sentinus can also offer support on the types of activities which can be carried out using the Raspberry Pi’s

NOTE: Your School will be responsible for collecting and returning all equipment in the same condition that you received it.


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